Campbell C


C Campbell
Forename(s)Charles William
WarWorld War I, 1914-1918
Serial No.3/2425
Date of Birth27 December 1888
Place of BirthAuckland
First Known RankPrivate
Occupation before EnlistmentMissionary
Next of KinG. G. Campbell, (Brother),
Churton Street, Parnell, Auckland
Marital StatusSingle
Enlistment AddressPanama House, Frankton Junction
Enlistment Date28 June 1916
Age on Enlistment24
Body on EmbarkationNew Zealand Expeditionary Force
Embarkation Unit24th Reinforcements (First Draft) Headquarters,
New Zealand Medical Corps
Embarkation Date5 April 1917
Place of EmbarkationWellington
DestinationDevonport, England
Nominal Roll Number59
Page on Nominal Roll16
Military AwardsBritish War Medal
Victory Medal
Discharge Date28th  March 1919
Reason for DischargeNo longer physically fit for war service.
Place of DeathAuckland
Date of Death22 August 1957
Age at Death69
Year of Death1957
Cemetery NameWaikumete,
Grave ReferenceProtestant Berm – A Row 4,
Plot 38
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZCAMPBELL, Mr C.W. – HM Frankton Junct.
Hamilton 1916 res 1916 to NZEF.
Register of Presbyterian Ministers, URL:
Archives NZ sourceMilitary personnel files. URL:
Sources UsedNominal Rolls of New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Volume III. Wellington: Govt. Printer, 1918

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