Clarke J A


J. A. Clarke
Forename(s)John Alexander
WarWorld War I, 1914-1918
Serial No.23/1346
Date of Birth30 January 1890
Place of BirthAuckland
First Known RankRifleman
Occupation before EnlistmentCarpenter
Next of KinMrs Annie Clarke (mother), Victoria Street,
Hamilton, New Zealand
Marital StatusSingle
Enlistment Date24 August 1815
Age on Enlistment25
Enlistment AddressEltham, New Zealand
Military DistrictWellington
Body on Embarkation2nd Reinforcements to 1st Battalion,
New Zealand Rifle Brigade
Embarkation UnitE Company
Embarkation Date13
November 1915
Place of EmbarkationWellington, New Zealand
TransportHMNZT 35; HMNZT 36
VesselWillochra or Tofua
DestinationSuez, Egypt
Page on Nominal Roll130
Military Awards1914 – 1915 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal
Discharge Date3 February 1918
Reason For DischargeNo longer physically fit for war service on account
of wounds received in action
Place of DeathNgahinepouri
Date of Death19 April 1965
Biographical NotesThe 1925 Electoral Roll for Hamilton, has John
Alexander Clarke, a builder, residing at 44 Norton
Road, Frankton.
Archives NZ sourceMilitary personnel file. URL: 
Sources UsedNominal Rolls of New Zealand Expeditionary
Force Volume I. Wellington: Govt. Printer,
1914-1919Auckland Museum – Cenotaph Online
Further ReferencesNew Zealand Herald, 26 September 1916,
Page 9, Column 1. URL:
New Zealand Society of Genealogists. ‘New Zealand
Elections, Five Significant Rolls’ CD.